Sunday, 8 February 2015

Summary Draft 2,

Article: ‘When Worlds Collide’: Navigating the Minefield of Social Media (2014, June 9). (

According to Rothbard in "When Worlds Collide: Navigating the Minefield of Social Media" (2014), social media has allowed us to share any information online readily and instantly. Yet, such ease can have negative impacts on our work lives, as it overlaps with our personal lives. Just as the 'social mindfield' that one of Rothbard's interviewers (2014) pointed out, social media itself is a dilemma. People online can connect better or forge new relationships with one another easily but it can also take a toll on the present ones they have. 

Rothbard (2014) then introduces four different methods people generally used on social media; open being completely no censorship, audience being limiting content to specific audience, content being content that are oriented towards the majority of the audience and custom being striking a balance between the audience and content methods. Such methods can affect a person's authority and appeal. Therefore, changing the methods we are already accustomed to would not be easy unless something major happens.

Finally, Rothbard (2014) concluded her research by presenting her results indicating that we should vary our methods of communicating to someone according to the situation, particularly on social. This is due to the fact that it brings you to larger viewers instead of one as much as we try to avoid it.

1 comment:

  1. Generally clear and concise, However, you can check the foll:
    1. Use present tense for reporting verbs consistently.
    2. "Such methods can affect a person's authority..." - why use the word 'authority'? Is this what writer means?
    3. "particularly on social." - u need a noun after social
    4. Avoid using 'you' in academic writing as it is rather informal. Use 'one' or 'an individual' or 'a person'.
    5. You said social media is a dilemma but it is not. It presents a dilemma and you should explain what is this dilemma clearly. Also, explain what does "minefield" means according to the writer.
