Sunday, 1 February 2015

Summary Draft 1,

Article: ‘When Worlds Collide’: Navigating the Minefield of Social Media (2014, June 9). (

According to Rothbard in "When Worlds Collide: Navigating the Minefield of Social Media" (2014), social media has allowed us to share any information online readily and instantly, yet, such ease can have negative impacts on our lives. It happens when we make use of different methods to handle what we put online, which can affect your authority and appeal to your colleagues separately.

Rothbard (2014) observed that social media is able to create a film that segregates people’s personal and professional lives but also makes people constantly wary about what they share online. It allows you to connect better or forge new relationships with other people yet it can take a toll on the present ones that you have. One of the problems would be the issue of “invisible audience”. These groups of people are ones that secretly monitor what you are up to online but they do not reply to anything, which explains why they are almost non-existent.

Rothbard (2014) then summarises the methods we used into four categories; open being completely no censorship, audience being limiting content to specific audience, content being content that are oriented towards the majority of the audience and custom being striking a balance between the audience and content methods.

Such methods as mentioned can affect your authority and appeal; one may be lean towards boosting your appeal or either or even none. Therefore, Rothbard (2014) encourages one to pick a method that best suits you, able to fit into the targets you set for yourself on social media and that it suits the background you belong.

Rothbard (2014) also added that changing the methods we already accustomed to would not be easy unless something major happened, such as an unpleasant comment or switching of backgrounds.

Finally, Rothbard (2014) concludes with her results indicating that we cannot communicate similarly to someone right in front of you to someone online. This is due to the fact that social media brings you to a larger viewers instead of one that is beside you whether you like it or not.


  1. Hi there. I think the use of 'you' makes the summary feel less formal and there are some mistakes like in the third last paragraph, "appeal or either or even none" is probably "appeal of either or none" and second last paragraph "changing the methods we already accustomed to" should be "changing the methods we are already accustomed to". Overall, you did include the main ideas and it was coherent.

    One more thing, If you add a hyperlink to the article title instead of pasting the URL, that would be more blog-like. Cheers.

  2. Hello! I think about your summary is a little too long. Perhaps you should cut down on your words to about 150-200 as what our tutor has mention. Nonetheless your summary has summarised the article main points which is good :)

    Second thing i realised is that almost every sentences start with "Rothbard says/concluded.." It may be better if you can vary your sentences more

    Hope you find it useful! :)
